Saturday, July 18, 2009

The new VoIPTelCaster blog

Many of you have been reading my blog on our old blog site. A new blog posting was in order since it's been a LONG time since I've published one. I thought it was time that we changed the blog to where we see the business moving. Since the VoIPTelCaster PBX is now our product leader at the company, I thought it pertinent to create a blog for people to follow our progress. Many of our partners have been with us since the early 2000's while there are users still using HIATLANTIS from the early 80s. What's happening now is that VoIPTelCaster is now taking the lead at our company.

Well lets start by discussing our company and where we are since our move from Wyoming. The company still maintains Pioneer Linux and a new version is in the works for release 3.3. We still maintain Pioneer since we use the operating system as the base for all of our products. Keeping this in mind, we will continue to release versions of Pioneer Linux. Remember, we are not an operating system for the masses, we don't develop the system as a wild consumer desktop but a business application. It's more stripped than most out on the market today and it's meant to be a business tool and not a consumer application. Release 3.3 will be nothing more than an updated release of 3.2 so extensive updates will not have to be run and new versions of software installed.

Our move from Wyoming was more than expected. Wyoming, although a beautiful place to live high on the desert plains, it did not provide the workforce needed for growth for this type of company. I still miss Wyoming, but Idaho is one of the most beautiful places I've now lived and even more so than Colorado. It's a mix of Kentucky and Connecticut without the humidity with great western hospitality that you'd expect. The workforce is here for our expansion and we are now looking for another facility to place this growing company in Nampa.

We are officially releasing the anticipated version 2.0 of VoIPTelCaster. We've changed the interface to being tab browsing versus clicking buttons and the grouping of the functions by tabs. It's made a big difference in the training of people and phone guys coming up to speed. The additional features such as whisper and unlimited call attendants, day/night rings and so much more provide our partners and their customer unprecedented flexibility in setting up a phone system. It's no wonder the PBX has taken the front seat at the company now in sales and providing growth.

We're also proud to be manufacturing and assembling in Idaho. It's a good thing in this economy to bring jobs to the United States. I know we can further reduce our pricing if we outsource, but again I and the those in the company believe it's our duty to create and maintain jobs in the United States. We have created the Made in Idaho brand to promote ourselves and other companies manufacturing in the states. We use a search engine for those in Idaho to find products actually made in the state. Those selling products made in Idaho may also be listed on the search pages. You may see the site at:

I want to thank all of our partners and the users of the products for their input on VoIPTelCaster. It's because of these people that we now have the greatest product, as I and others in the industry believe, in the industry. We still are not licensing functions and everything comes with the VoIPTelCaster PBX except for the ACD and Customer Admin Interface - CAI. I also want to thank everyone at Technology Alignment, Craig at the Nampa Economic Development Group along with Jana Chalfant at the Boise Economic Development Group.

We grow because of all of you and my thanks also go to anyone I've missed.


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